Blog posts


Compiling MESONH on Apple Silicon 2 : arm64

3 minute de lecture

Mis à jour :

Recently, I’ve been trying to help someone to install the Meso-NH atmospheric model on a new Macbook Air M1. In this post, I try to document how I partially succeeded. The complete x86_64 story has been documented earlier, here I’m interested with the native arm64 version.

Compiling MESONH on Apple Silicon 1 : x86_64

4 minute de lecture

Mis à jour :

Recently, I’ve been trying to help someone to install the Meso-NH atmospheric model on a new Macbook Air M1. In this post, I try to document how I partially succeeded. In three words : up to now I have been able to compile it for x86_64 (on the arm64 based M1) and run it successfully using Rosetta2 on the M1, but I’m still stuck at the linkage/run part of a native arm64 version, I’ll document that later.