Talks (since 2024)

An SMPC training data curation protocol and its fragility to security assumptions : Being actors of our own privacy failure

November 14, 2024

Talk, Shonan post meeting on Biggest Failures of Privacy, Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada

In this talk, I presented the challenges faced when using a blackbox privacy enhancing technology, in particular regarding its asumptions. I illustrated the complexity of trusting the promises of confidentiality of the inputs, in particular when using a SMPC mechanism where the participants, or an eavesdropper, learn only the output of the mechanism. From the output of CryptoGraph, a mechanism for privately curating graph data, an adversary is able to reconstruct most of the input of the participants.

Un protocole SMPC de curation de données d’entrainement et sa fragilité aux hypothèses de sécurité : Sécurité et insécurité - dans quel état j’erre, ai-je bien rangé mon modèle de sécurité ?

October 16, 2024

Talk, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France

De nos jours, les sources de données, et leurs curateurs, sont répartis à travers le monde. Il arrive que les propriétaires de ces données souhaitent collaborer entre eux afin d’augmenter la qualité de ces données, particulièrement avant d’entrainer des modèles d’apprentissage machine.

Confidentiality in Machine Learning

May 28, 2024

Talk, Mobilit'AI conference, Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada

In this talk, I introduced the challenges of confidentiality, and more generally security, in machine learning as I chaired the Confidentiality session of the Mobilit’AI 2024 Conference.

Confidentiality in Machine Learning

April 11, 2024

Talk, EDCC conference, Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

In this talk, I introduced the challenges of confidentiality, and more generally security, in machine learning and some research avenues from my research group.